February 21, 2025
The CEO of one of America’s oldest scientific societies discusses the recent cuts to scientific institutions, and how scientists can respond. Plus, flu infections are the highest they’ve been in nearly 30 years, and flu deaths this winter have surpassed COVID deaths. And, a video of a gloriously creepy anglerfish inspired tears and poetry online.
Discover How Your Brain Builds Muscle Memory
Investigate the brain’s ability to coordinate movement, develop motor skills, and create muscle memories.
Train Your Brain To Manage Stress
Discover brain-based approaches to develop resilience, manage stress, and cultivate a positive mindset.
Boost Memory And Learning With The Science Of Sleep
Discover how getting enough quality sleep is essential for transforming new knowledge into lasting memories.
Think Like A Squirrel: Nature’s Spatial Memory Expert
Discover how observing animals’ remarkable memory abilities can teach you about spatial memory and the brain’s incredible adaptability.
Hack Your Brain To Increase Focus And Attention
Explore mindfulness techniques that will sharpen your focus, improve your attention span, and enhance your ability to concentrate.
Rewards And Neurotransmitters: How Games Can Affect Your Brain
Discover the ways reward systems like games, puzzles, and escape rooms can encourage positive or negative behaviors.
La historia de un robot: enseñando a Clipbot sobre el cerebro humano
Embárcate en un viaje interactivo con un joven científico y su curioso robot mientras exploran el cerebro a través de emocionantes desafíos y rompecabezas.
Descubre cómo tu cerebro fomenta la memoria muscular
Descubre cómo tu cerebro te ayuda a mover tu cuerpo y descubre cómo puedes ejercitar tu memoria muscular.
Entrena tu cerebro a manejar el estrés
Con unas pocas y sencillas técnicas, puedes poner al estrés en buen uso y reducir sus efectos perjudiciales.
Impulsa tu memoria y aprendizaje con la ciencia de dormir
Descubre cómo tener suficiente sueño de calidad es esencial para transformar el nuevo conocimiento en recuerdos duraderos.
Piensa como una ardilla: la experta de memoria espacial de la naturaleza
Descubre cómo observar las notables habilidades de los animales puede enseñarte acerca de la memoria espacial y la increíble adaptabilidad del cerebro.
Hackea tu cerebro para incrementar el enfoque y la atención
Explora las técnicas de mindfulness agudizarán tu concentración, aumentarán tus periodos de atención y mejorarán tu habilidad para concentrarte.
Recompensas y neurotransmisores: cómo los juegos afectan tu cerebro
Descubre las maneras en las que el sistema de recompensa de juegos, rompecabezas y salas de escape pueden alentar comportamientos positivos o negativos.
EPA Sets Limits On ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Drinking Water
A long-awaited rule from the EPA limits the amounts of six PFAS chemicals allowed in public drinking water supplies.
The Brain’s Glial Cells Might Be As Important As Neurons
These lesser-known nervous system cells were long thought to be the “glue” holding neurons together. They’re much more.
Where Snowpack Meets Soil: An Important Winter Home For Bugs
Some spiders, beetles, and centipedes spend winter under snow in a layer called the subnivium. Climate change could threaten this habitat.
Drumroll Please! A Performance For The Solar Eclipse
A local percussion section in Akron, Ohio, performed a drumroll for the solar eclipse.
The Carbon Cost Of Urban Gardens And Commercial Farms
Some food has a larger carbon footprint when grown in urban settings than on commercial farms, while for other foods the reverse is true.
Why There Won’t Be A Superbloom This Year
What’s the difference between wildflowers blooming in the desert each spring, and the rare phenomenon of a “superbloom”?
A Cheer For The Physics Of Baseball
When you watch a baseball game, you’re also enjoying a spectacular display of science—from physics to biomechanics.