February 28, 2025
A federal DEI ban is already prompting changes across science agencies. How will it affect medical research? A journalist traveled to five continents to learn about the afterlife of our trash, and why most “recyclable” plastic actually isn’t. And, the ocean liner SS United States will become an artificial reef in Florida. How do artificial reefs work?
Play Event Horizon Bingo!
Remember: When it comes to amazing science, we’re all winners.
SciFri Extra: Picturing A Black Hole
The Event Horizon Telescope aims to take an image of a black hole. In this archival interview, astronomers describe the project’s methods and goals.
Egghead: The Genius Of Birds
On August 29 in NYC, birds of a feather will nest together for this edition of the Science Friday Book Club, as we explore ‘The Genius of Birds.’
Science Friday Live In San Antonio
On Saturday, August 10, we’re heading to San Antonio, Texas to learn about local science.
Do Ice Baths Work?
Long story short, they may reduce pain, but they don’t speed the healing process.
From Atoms To Airplanes And Polymers To Planets
The spring 2019 meeting of the American Chemical Society in Orlando included transparent wood, VR labs, and medicinal nanoparticles.
Missouri Looks To Regulate Coal Ash Ponds
Toxic coal ash is contaminating groundwater around the state. Will proposed new regulations be enough?
How The Sap Runs
Scientists tap into how trees move gallons of fluids from the ground to the atmosphere every day. Plus, the freeze-thaw secrets of sugar maple trees.
Fertile Soil, Washed Away
Lost topsoil may be the biggest long-term damage to this year’s flooded Midwest farms.
How Will These Long-Lived Trees Adapt To Climate Change?
Bristlecone pines—one of the longest living tree species—has to adapt and change its habitat in the face of climate change.
Right-To-Repair Would Let You Fix Your Own Devices
As our phones and cars include more software, advocates say we should have the right-to-repair our own devices.
What’s The Best Way To Recover After A Workout?
It turns out, there’s no right answer. Science writer Christie Aschwanden debunks our most commonly held beliefs about sports recovery with science.
Now Screening: Cephalopod Movie Night!
Cephalopod Movie Night returns! From June 21 to 28, celebrate our favorite undersea creatures with Science Friday at 10 cities across the nation.
Is America Ready For A Climate Change Candidate?
Presidential candidate Jay Inslee has staked his bid for the White House on fighting climate change. But is that issue enough to get people to the polls?
Science Friday Live In Boulder
On Saturday June 15th, Ira Flatow and the Science Friday crew are heading to Boulder, Colorado.
Fifth Annual Science Friday Trivia Night!
On Wednesday, May 29, our fifth annual Science Friday Trivia Night returns to Brooklyn.
The Origin Of The Word ‘Mercury’
From ancient alchemists to Lewis and Clark, mercury has a storied history.
Tough Times for the World’s Oldest Trees
The bristlecone pine tree can live up to 5,000 years. Will these ancients continue to survive under climate change?
First Take With Science Friday In Huntsville
On May 21, enjoy “First Take With Science Friday,” live from Huntsville, Alabama!