Most Recent Episode

September 27, 2024

Climate activists Bill McKibben and Akaya Windwood say it isn’t fair to leave the climate crisis for younger generations to solve. Plus, a cultural anthropologist discusses the Mariana Islands’ long history of colonization and why demilitarization matters for climate progress. And, new research into a fish known as the sea robin finds that leg-like appendages can “taste” prey buried in the sand.


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Educational Resource

Go Out and Observe the Moon!

Observe the moon each day for one month, map the moon’s features, simulate lunar impacts, and explore lunar science in this resource from NASA’s International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN), an annual worldwide celebration of lunar science and exploration.

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The Science Of Story Time

Studies have shown that talking with your child promotes literacy. Now a new study in “Psychological Science” suggests reading to them may give them an even bigger edge.

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