Imagine what you might do if you could print your own solar panels. That’s kind of the dream behind Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein’s Solar Pocket Factory — although they see it more as the “microbrewery” of panel production rather than a tool for everyone’s garage. With over $70,000 of backing from a successful Kickstarter campaign, the inventors are now working on refining the prototype. If all goes well, by April they’ll have a machine that can spit out a micro solar panel every few seconds. In the meantime, Frayne stopped by Flora Lichtman’s backyard with a few pieces of the prototype to explain how the mini-factory will work.
Music: Yacht/Free Music Archive; Additional images courtesy of Shawn Frayne, Alex Hornstein, solar panel via Shutterstock
Meet the Producer
About Flora Lichtman
Flora Lichtman is a host of Science Friday. In a previous life, she lived on a research ship where apertivi were served on the top deck, hoisted there via pulley by the ship’s chef.