Isn’t This Octopus Adorabilis?

What do you call a tiny octopus with big eyes and gelatinous skin, and that’s cute as a button? Nobody knows quite yet! Stephanie Bush of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute aims to classify and name this presently undescribed deep-sea cephalopod using preserved specimens and a clutch of eggs housed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

**DISCLAIMER**  from Dr. Stephanie Bush: The Opisthoteuthis eggs depicted in this video are preserved specimens, not the eggs laid at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (which are still being lovingly incubated at MBARI’s Cold Storage Facility!)

Join Science Friday’s Sea Of Support

With every donation of $8 (for every day of Cephalopod Week), you can sponsor a different illustrated cephalopod. The cephalopod badge along with your first name and city will be a part of our Sea of Supporters!



Produced by Christian Baker
Additional footage courtesy of the Monterey Bay Aquarium & MBARI
Music by Audio Network

Meet the Producer

About Christian Baker

Christian Baker is an independent filmmaker, producer and director of photography.

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Behaviors of the Venomous, Blue-Lined Octopus

This venomous octopus packs a punch, but it's more likely to hide than launch a poisonous attack.

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