Hollywood Science
Science has been part of the silver screen since its inception. Ready to learn how? Better grab your popcorn.
Is Sneaker Innovation Changing How We Move?
From pouring rubber in a waffle iron to incorporating titanium, sneaker innovation is constantly changing—but how does it affect our performance?
Will Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Electric Cars Drive Us Into the Future?
The Toyota Mirai—a hydrogen fuel cell car—takes to the road this fall.
Is Deep-Sea Exploration Worth It?
Sylvia Earle and other researchers discuss how humans fit into the future of deep sea exploration.
Is Modern Dating the Worst?
How text messages, profile pictures, and changing expectations factor into modern dating.
LEDs Could Light the Way to Future Networking
Engineers are researching how LEDs could help with the broadband “capacity crunch.”
The SciFri Book Club Talks ‘The Soul of a New Machine’
After three weeks of reading, the SciFri Book Club regroups to discuss Tracy Kidder’s 1981 true-tech tale, “The Soul of a New Machine.”
Write Your Name In Binary Code
Want to write like a computer? Here’s your chance to get started.
An Origami Bunny, Made From DNA
Researchers have developed a method to build tiny structures out of DNA based on 3-D polygonal shapes created with a computer.