Will Pokémon Go Push Augmented Reality Forward?
Tracking the ways that augmented reality could transform how we interact with the digital world.
The Big Sort: An Insider’s Tour Of A Recycling Plant
Every day at the Sims Municipal Recycling facility in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, roughly 800 tons of recyclables meander through a tangle of machines, scanners, and conveyor belts.
Hearing Color Through A Cyborg
At the electronic music festival Moogfest, self-described cyborg artist Neil Harbisson showed an audience what it’s like to hear color.
The Art, and Science, of the Biodesign Challenge
A competition challenges art and design students to face the brave new world of biotechnology.
A Geological Tour From 30,000 Feet Up
Flyover Country, a new app, will help you spot geological features during your next long-haul flight.
A New Threat to Cell Phone Videos?
Apple patents a technology that could stop our phones from recording concerts. How does it work, and could this be abused?
A Peek at the Possibilities of Biodesign
Art and design students envision the future of biotech.
Checking In on Our Planetary Neighbors
From Jupiter to Pluto, new windows into the origins of our largest and smallest friends around the sun.
Crime Algorithm, Space Junk, and Stem Cell Therapies
The legalities of algorithms to predict “high risk” criminals, and the dangers of unapproved stem cell therapies.
Who Should Your Autonomous Car Save?
Should it save you, or the people outside your car?