The Science Club Challenges You to ‘Break It Down’
Sometimes taking something apart can reveal insight into how it works.
Is All Fair in Love and Cyber War?
With rumblings about possible U.S. retaliation for alleged Russian-backed hacks, we ask about the rules and norms that govern international cyber conflicts.
‘It Was Totally Planet Nine’
Astronomer Konstantin Batygin returns with evidence that Niku’s orbit was influenced by Planet Nine.
Footprints in Time, a Stolen Gene, and a Mark on the Moon
Science writer Nadia Drake describes some of the week’s stories in science, including the discovery of more than 400 ancient footprints frozen in time in Tanzania.
A Carbon Contradiction
Reservoirs are both sources of renewable energy and one of the world’s biggest producers of greenhouse gases.
That’s Not What the Doctor Ordered
What happens when direct-to-consumer lab tests take physicians out of the equation?
Scientists Develop a Hornless Cow Through Gene Editing
Researchers used gene editing to develop a dairy cow that doesn’t grow horns.
Are Digital Assistants Smart Enough to Do Their Jobs?
As tech companies battle to develop the best digital assistant, we ask how they measure up, and why we so often fail to connect.
Science in the Crosshairs
How Congress, lawsuits, and other challenges are shaping scientific debate over climate science, fetal tissue research, and more.
Constructing Eye-Popping Pop-Up Books
Pop-up designer Matthew Reinhart engineers paper cut-outs that move and extend, sometimes reaching nearly two-feet tall.