Multicolor Molecules and New Horizons’ Data Dump
Researchers developed an electron microscope that picks up an elusive feature: color.
Would You Share Your Car With a Stranger?
As Toyota tests a device that allows you—or others—to unlock and start a vehicle with just a smartphone, it ventures into the personal car-sharing market.
Six Things You Can Break Down Today
The Science Club discusses their “Break It Down” challenge, and offers some suggestions to get your investigations going.
No Nose, but a Heck of a Sniffer
Researchers have engineered a spinach plant to sense compounds in the surrounding environment and communicate its findings with humans.
Wireless Power Chair Puts a New Spin on Dance
How a Florida choreographer’s idea could lead to novel dance movements.
A Chair Fit for Dancing
A “smart” power wheelchair enables dancers to move in new directions.
A Chair Fit for Dancing
Equipped with omnidirectional movement, a rotating seat, and a hands-free control, Merry Lynn Morris’ rolling dance chair enables dancers to explore new movement techniques, and may one day provide greater mobility in everyday life, too.
AIDS Patient Zero, Snoozing Swifts, and Self-Driving Deliveries
Researchers trace the origins of AIDS in the U.S. beyond the original “Patient Zero.”
This Glove Fits You With Someone Else’s Fingerprints
Researchers have created a 3D-printed glove with fingerprints, which they say will allow us to standardize tests of biometric systems. But will it hand criminals a new tool?
Attack of the Internet of Things
The Achilles heel of the internet turns out to be all the stuff that’s connected to it.