Decoding Quantum Computing
The disruptive technology of quantum computing could be a game-changer.
Diving Into The Strange World Of Xenobots
Structures designed by an algorithm transform frog embryo cells into structures that can swim.
New Cold Storage Method Solves Freezer Burn—And Saves Energy
Scientists are working on an ice-free method for preserving food at cold temperatures, avoiding freezer burn. And it could save energy too.
Here’s How Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Addresses Science
The bipartisan measure would pump billions of dollars into the fight against environmental pollution.
The Big Bang Theory Of Cancer
Genetic sequencing is helping scientists see how cancer begins.
Blunting The Force Of Disease Is Complicated
The real-world efficacy of a vaccine may depend on factors far beyond the properties of the vaccine itself.
Happy (Holiday) Testing Season!
With so many test options on the market, what tests are best—and when should you use them this holiday season?
Could Psychedelics Help Treat Depression?
Psilocybin, the psychedelic component of magic mushrooms, may be effective for some patients for whom other antidepressants haven’t worked.
Activists And Vulnerable Nations At COP26 Seek More Than Promises
Action on climate change is slower than many activists would like. And why payment for “loss and damage” is crucial for vulnerable nations.
What’s Next For Kansas After 20 Years Of Wind Power?
After two decades, wind farms in Kansas take stock of how the state has changed—and what challenges lie ahead.