Where Does Toilet Water Go?
Wastewater systems are a modern miracle. Here’s how they work and how they can be made better.
Why The Equinox Can Make Your Credit Card Fail
Twice a year, Earthbound satellite dishes can get blinded by the Sun.
Can Meteorites On Earth Point To Ancient Life On Mars?
An astrobiologist explains why a meteor from Mars changed planetary science. Plus, why samples from the Perseverance rover will be key to understanding the Red Planet.
Blind Patients With Eye Implant Left In The Dark As Its Startup Struggles
Second Sight Medical Devices abandoned support for blind patients who received its bionic eye implant. What happens to those patients next?
Pittsburgh’s Bridge Collapse Spotlights America’s Infrastructure Woes
Larger vehicles, increased traffic, and climate change are putting pressure on America’s aging infrastructure. How did things get so dire?
New Energy Record Set By Fusion Reactor
Results from the JET fusion experiment have scientists hopeful that a coming reactor called ITER will succeed.
New Device Helps People With Paralysis Walk Again
Patients with complete lower body paralysis are able to walk, cycle or swim using new spinal cord implants.
Date Set For International Space Station’s Burial At Sea
In 2031, the International Space Station will join the Mir station and other orbiters in the ocean’s “spacecraft cemetery.”
What Makes Something Slippery Or Sticky?
Physicist Laurie Winkless dives into the realm of surface science to figure out how its shaped our manufactured and natural worlds.
Space-X Booster To Hit The Moon, After Years Of Hurtling Through Space
This may be the first time space junk will collide with the moon.