Approved Reactors Could Power Up Nuclear Industry
Federal agency approves a license to build two nuclear reactors designed to provide cooling in absence of electricity.
Concrete’s Role As A Building Block In History
A look at concrete — from its use in the Paleolithic Age to today’s greener alternatives.
Notes From A Former ‘Guitar Zero’
Why it’s not too late to learn how to play a musical instrument.
Why Vinyl Sounds Better Than CD, Or Not
Two experts explain the audio science behind the music.
Drone Technology Reaches New Heights
Experts discuss the military and commercial applications of increasingly sophisticated drones.
Listening In On The Brain To Decode Speech
A study in PLoS Biology details how researchers decoded the brain’s electrical activity to reconstruct speech.
What’s So Cool About Frozen Water?
Ice can be hard to get a handle on, literally and figuratively.
What Happens When You Levitate Flies?
In a recent study, Richard Hill levitated fruit flies to see how they behaved when they didn’t have gravity pulling them down.
Behind the Scenes with Inventor – and Actor – Hedy Lamarr
A new book looks at the life of the brainy movie star Hedy Lamarr.
Meet The Balloonatics
It’s crunch time for the “balloonatics” at Macy’s Parade Studio.