Untangling The Hairy Physics Of Rapunzel
Kelly Ward, of Walt Disney Animation Studios, was tasked with bringing Rapunzel’s locks to life.
Designing a Bridge for Earthquake Country
Inside the world’s longest self-anchored suspension bridge being built in quake-prone San Francisco Bay.
Untangling the Hairy Physics of Rapunzel
The secret to animating hair? Physics. Kelly Ward, senior software engineer for Walt Disney Animation Studios, was responsible for bringing Rapunzel’s locks to life in Disney’s Tangled.
Engineering for Success by Building on Failure
A new book explores why engineers should pay close attention to past failures when designing a new bridge or plane.
How Humans and Insects Conquered the Earth
E.O. Wilson discusses evolution and natural selection in The Social Conquest of Earth.
Desktop Diaries: E. O. Wilson
In the latest installment of Science Friday’s Desktop Diaries series, ecologist Edward O. Wilson takes us on a tour of his office, located in Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology.
Coyotes Come to the Big Apple
Wildlife biologist Mark Weckel is documenting coyote immigration through camera traps in city parks.
Gazing into the Cloud, From Storage to Servers
Experts discuss the switch away from traditional desktop computing to services in ‘the cloud.’
Art, Mind And Brain Intersect In Kandel’s Vienna
In his new book, neuroscientist Eric Kandel writes of artists and scientists in 20th-century Vienna.
Half A Century Later, A Return To Challenger Deep
The film director James Cameron has just completed a dive to the deepest point on Earth.