Unwinding the Cucumber Tendril Mystery
Plants may be stationary, but they’re rarely still, says biologist Roger Hangarter, creator of the website Plants in Motion.
‘Carbon Nation’ Tackles Climate Change, By Ignoring It
‘Carbon Nation’ bills itself as a ‘climate change solutions movie, that doesn’t even care if you believe in climate change.’
Aging City Pipes in Need of a Plumber’s Touch
Water travels to city dwellers by way of old, leaky pipes that are tricky to replace.
Solar Toilet Disinfects Waste, Makes Hydrogen Fuel
Caltech’s solar toilet took top prize in the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge.
Poop and Paddle
This toilet floats. It’s an outhouse and sewage-treatment plant in one.
Catching Up with Tom Swift a Century Later
A look back at the fictional boy inventor and his 100 year legacy.
Martian Lab Made in Manhattan
What’s it like to build tools for Curiosity? Intense.
Planning for ‘Curiosity’ on Mars
NASA scientist John Grunsfeld gives a preview of the Mars Curiosity mission, from the landing’s ‘seven minutes of terror’ to the plans for the exploration ahead.
Tech Giants Gear Up for Patent Battle
Apple and Samsung enter the courtroom in a battle over the way their mobile devices work, look, and feel.
Making Movies That Zoom into Foreign Worlds
The stars of these films usually have only one cell.