Analyzing the Evidence on DNA
“All DNA evidence is not created equal,” says Greg Hampikian, Director of the Idaho Innocence Project. He’ll tell us why DNA ‘evidence’ sometimes leads to the wrong conclusion.
Printing Solar Panels in the Backyard
A Kickstarter-funded project aims to build a machine to print micro solar panels.
What the Doctor Ordered: Building New Body Parts
Spray-on skin, made-to-order muscle, and print-out kidneys aren’t just science fiction anymore.
Printing Solar Panels in the Backyard
Imagine what you might do if you could print your own solar panels. That’s kind of the dream behind Shawn Frayne and Alex Hornstein’s Solar Pocket Factory.
Wind Power Plentiful, Study Says
A paper finds wind energy could provide hundreds of terawatts, if enough turbines are installed.
Mars Rover May Be Contaminated with Earth Microbes
If microbial stowaways did hitch a ride to Mars, how will Curiosity’s mission be affected?
Oregon Power Project Needs the Motion of the Ocean
A generator that makes electricity from wave power is being prepared for installation off the Oregon coast.
To The Bat Cave!
Bat biologist Nickolay Hristov, of UNC’s Center for Design Innovation and Winston-Salem State University, develops new techniques for filming and visualizing bats.
Time to Overhaul America’s Aging Bridges?
Experts say some 8000 bridges are in dire need of repair—but at what cost?
Surveying the Mobile Landscape, Post Patent Battle
Will the Apple/Samsung patent ruling affect the phones and tablets consumers can buy?