How to Get 6,000 People to Talk Science
Bill Nye and I were on a panel discussing how to tell stories about science.
Grand Central: An Engine of Scientific Innovation
Standard time zones and electric trains were both pioneered at New York’s Grand Central Terminal.
Scientists Search for Gulf War Illness Answers
More than 20 years later, many Gulf War veterans still suffer from an array of unexplained ailments.
Project Seeks to Bring Extinct Species Back to Life
Michael Archer, leader of the “Lazarus Project,” describes early efforts to bring a frog species back from extinction.
Physicists Tie Water Into Knots
If you thought a smoke ring was fancy, check out these fluid knots.
‘Bones’ Inspires a New Generation of Crime Fighters
Forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs chats about “Code,” her new crime novel for young adults.
Tying Water in a Knot
These fluid knots are like smoke rings–but made of water and shaped like a pretzel instead of a donut.
James Watson: Studio Session
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA — the now-famous double helix.
Robert Langer, Father of Invention
The biotech pioneer has started two dozen companies, and has over 800 patents to his name.