Comet’s Tail Shines Light on Sun
In 2011, comet Lovejoy traveled through the sun’s corona and lived to tell the tale. But its tail was the most telling.
With Chemical Tweaks, Cement Becomes a Semiconductor
Researchers explain how a cement can take on some of the properties of a metal.
Mine-detecting Honeybees, Deciphering Teenage Sounds, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Tackling New Tech in the Golden Years
How, and why, have some older people overcome the challenges of learning new technology?
Desktop Diaries: Daniel Kahneman
A visit with psychologist Daniel Kahneman, who won the Nobel Prize in economic sciences in 2002.
Desktop Diaries: Daniel Kahneman
“I have always emphasized the willingness to discard,” says psychologist and Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman. That philosophy works on two levels—forget desk trinkets, Kahneman doesn’t have a desk—and he doesn’t hoard ideas either he says.
What Lies Beneath
Using a scanning technology called terahertz imaging, scientist J. Bianca Jackson searches for hidden artwork behind paint and plaster.
Alien Invaders, Baby Seal Brains, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Hello…Is There Anybody Out There?
The SETI Institute’s Jill Tarter talks about her career searching for intelligent life beyond Earth.