Beaming Internet to the Boondocks, Via Balloon
Google plans to deliver 3G-speed Internet to the world’s most remote corners using helium balloons.
A Calculating Win for China’s New Supercomputer
China’s new ‘Milky Way 2’ supercomputer is twice as fast as the best American machines.
Paper Tale: The Life Of An Origami Artist
Robert J. Lang helped take origami to the next level, developing computer software to create increasingly complex designs with applications ranging from art to engineering.
Angry Legos, Roman Wonder Concrete, Beating Boredom, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Looking Back, and Up, at a Seattle Icon
The Space Needle was built in 1962, but it still serves as a symbol of “the future.”
Rolling Out Bamboo Bicycles
Valid Cycles makes handcrafted bamboo bikes in Woodinville, Washington.
Bamboo Bicycles Roll Out
To be bike-ready, the bamboo must be cooked in an oven, stripped, and sealed. We visited the workshop of Valid Cycles in Woodinville, Washington, to see how the bikes are made.
Al Gore: Studio Session
Former vice president Al Gore joins Ira Flatow in the studio to talk about ‘The Future.’
Strengthening Buildings in Tornado Alley
Improving resistance to tornadoes will require better building materials and techniques, plus political will.
Whole Genome Scans Could Reveal Too Much
If a patient’s genome scan turns up unexpected genetic risk factors, are doctors obligated to tell?