This Doc’s Prescription? Use This App, Twice Daily
Cardiologist Eric Topol says smartphone apps give him a better day-to-day view of patients’ health.
How to Make a Beer Home Brew
How to brew the perfect ale and lager from your stove top.
A Telescope Fails, but the Hunt for Exoplanets Continues
Although the Kepler planet-hunting telescope is no longer operating, discoveries remain to be made in its data.
A Robot Lab to Survey the Sea Floor
Researchers are developing a DNA-sampling robot for undersea exploration.
Hyperloop: Hype or Future Transportation?
Elon Musk described his Hyperloop design as a cross between a “Concorde, a railgun, and an air hockey table.”
Strengthening the Grid, Ten Years Later
How has the electrical grid changed since the massive blackout of 2003?
Flexible Insect Protein Inspires Super Rubber
Flexible insect protein surpasses the best synthetic rubbers.
Biting Into the First In Vitro Burger
A laboratory lunch over the first in vitro burger.
Building the World’s Fastest Gumball Machine
Brett Doar and his colleagues at Applied Chaotics specialize in building Rube Goldberg contraptions and other kinetic devices.