Science Fairs 2.0
A report card on the state of science fairs today, and a look into the future.
Small Talk with Scientists: The Ig Nobel Prize Winners Unwind
Here’s what it’s like to party with researchers whose work might first make you laugh, then make you think.
Stephen Hawking Looks Back
Stephen Hawking says that, were he to start from scratch, he wouldn’t focus on physics.
U.S. Cities Quench Growing Thirst with Saltwater
Desalination is growing in popularity, but is it sustainable enough to solve our water problems?
Food Failures: When Home Canning Goes Wrong
Jars broke? Lids buckled? Home canning expert Jessica Piper explains common preserving pitfalls.
Afloat in a French Flying Machine
The Tissandier brothers contributed to France’s reputation as the balloon capital of the world.
NASA Craft to Sniff Moondust, Test Laser Broadband
The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer will suck up dust and gas above the Moon.
This Doc’s Prescription? Use This App, Twice Daily
Cardiologist Eric Topol says smartphone apps give him a better day-to-day view of patients’ health.
How to Make a Beer Home Brew
How to brew the perfect ale and lager from your stove top.
A Telescope Fails, but the Hunt for Exoplanets Continues
Although the Kepler planet-hunting telescope is no longer operating, discoveries remain to be made in its data.