Digital Gets Physical
Students in MIT’s Tangible Media Group break down the barriers of graphic interfaces and allow users to touch and manipulate pixels in real life.
Three Years After the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown
Three out of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daichii nuclear power plant suffered a meltdown.
As the Web Turns 25, Where Is It Going Next?
We celebrate the web’s 25th birthday with an archival clip of Tim Berners-Lee, the web’s inventor, and take a look ahead with Lee Rainie of the Pew Research Center.
Celebrating Irrational, Transcendental Pi
As we celebrate Pi Day, mathematician Steven Strogatz talks about how the ancients calculated pi—and how you can do it at home.
Make A Wire Critter That Can Walk On Water
Learn how insects have inspired engineers and design your own water-walking critter using thin wire and your knowledge of surface tension.
Dispatches from SXSW Interactive 2014
SciFri is in Austin to check out the latest in innovation.
Delving Into the Security of an Internet of Things
As more devices come online, is enough attention being given to security and privacy?
Michio Kaku Imagines ‘The Future of the Mind’
In “The Future of the Mind,” physicist Michio Kaku predicts big advances for our brains.
Zip Line Zoo
In this activity from Bedtime Math, you’ll build a stuffed-animal zip line and practice measuring time, distance, and angles.
How to Make an Artificial Muscle Out of Fishing Line
You’ll need fiber, some weights, a motor, and a heat gun to get you started.