How Can Airline Tracking Improve?
How can a commercial airliner go missing, and what can we do to improve tracking technology?
The Debate Over Net Neutrality
What does the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality plan mean for consumers?
Why Science and the Humanities Are Better Together
Biographer Walter Isaacson explains why the future belongs to those who can merge the arts and the sciences.
Customizing Your Cryptocurrency With Altcoins
ZeroCash, Litecoin, and SolarCoin are digital currency alternatives to Bitcoin.
Blog: These Student Filmmakers Have Science Stories to Tell
Student video competitions engage the minds of future science communicators.
Is Graphene the New ‘Wonder’ Material?
Graphene is stronger than steel and more conductive than copper—a look at the applications and limitations of this “wonder” material.
This Cryptocurrency Could Be an Answer to Bitcoin’s Privacy Problems
A new cryptocurrency in development called ZeroCash claims to preserve its users’ anonymity. Here’s how it works.
Science Goes To The Movies: ‘Transcendence’
SciFri’s scientist-film critics weigh in on the science behind the Hollywood techno-thriller “Transcendence.”
Alan Friedman, We Will Miss You
The former director of the New York Hall of Science was a champion for the public’s understanding of and involvement with science.