Reel Science Friday: 2012 Highlights
Catfish eating pigeons, water traveling uphill, a blue whale barrel roll—we’re taking a stroll down memory lane for a look at the year’s best moments in science cinema. What were your favorite science videos of 2012?
Could Life Exist on Newfound Alien Planet?
Astronomer Steven Vogt discusses a new discovery of a potentially habitable exoplanet.
Debunking Doomsday and Exploring Maya Science
Two archaeologists weigh in on what the ancient Maya actually said about 2012. Spoiler: not much.
The SciFri Book Club Tours ‘The Planets’
The book club reviews Dava Sobel’s 2005 homage to the solar system.
Shooting Stars: Capturing the Night on Camera
Photographer Colin Legg makes time-lapse movies of celestial scenes.
Shooting Stars
Photographer Colin Legg makes time-lapse movies of celestial scenes. Legg shares tips, and describes some of the challenges of landscape astrophotography—from babysitting cameras for days and nights on end to running electronics off the grid.
Ask an Astronaut: Don Pettit and Jeff Hoffman on Spaceflight
Two astronauts answer your questions and discuss the many curiosities of living in space.
Curiosity 2.0? NASA Announces New Mars Rover Plans
NASA officials weigh in on the flurry of planetary science news from the past week.
SciFri Book Club Has ‘The Right Stuff’
Join the SciFri Book Club regulars for a look back, er…up, at ‘The Right Stuff.’
Searching for ‘The Particle at the End of the Universe’
Physicist Sean Carroll of Caltech talks about the search for the Higgs boson, and what comes next.