Are We Alone in the Universe?
It seems incredible that earthlings could be the first technological society. So where is everyone?
Studying Earth to Learn About Mars
Planetary scientists and future explorers are trying to learn about our neighboring planet without ever leaving Earth.
James Webb Space Telescope Wings It
The telescope’s massive mirror will unfurl on a newly completed set of wings.
How to Get 6,000 People to Talk Science
Bill Nye and I were on a panel discussing how to tell stories about science.
How Cosmic Collisions Have Shaped Our Solar System
Some of our solar system’s landmarks can trace their origins to massive impacts.
Studying Rocks Found on Earth for Clues About Space
We’ll take a tour of the Center for Meteorite Studies, and learn how meteorites can teach us about the history of the solar system.
Curiosity Hits Paydirt: New Clues to Life on Mars
Microbes may once have thrived in a freshwater lake on Mars, according to clues in an ancient rock.
Tying Water in a Knot
These fluid knots are like smoke rings–but made of water and shaped like a pretzel instead of a donut.
A Natural Particle Accelerator, Far Above the Planet
Closer study of the Van Allen radiation belts above Earth is providing new questions for science.
Russia Meteor Renews Focus on Asteroid Threats
Astronomers weigh in on how to keep the planet safe from near-Earth objects.