Solar Convection
Use hot and cold water to see how fluids at different temperatures move around in convection currents in this DIY Sun Science Activity from Lawrence Hall of Science.
Neal Stephenson Versus the Moon
Neal Stephenson’s new novel “Seveneves” blasts humanity into orbit, only to bring them down to earth…five thousand years later.
Map Sun Trails
Use photosensitive paper to make a map of the path of sunlight on the earth in this activity from the Lawrence Hall of Science.
Tracking Your Local (Space) Weather
How—and why—scientists keep a close eye on the activity of our nearest star.
NASA Budget Cuts Impact Earth-Based Science
The House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology passed a bill that would cut NASA’s earth science budget by roughly 20 percent.
Science Friday, Live From Huntsville
Hear the full show as Ira and Science Friday take the stage at Huntsville, Alabama’s own U.S. Space & Rocket Center.
Spot the Sunspots
Use binoculars or a telescope to identify and track sunspots. You’ll need a bright sunny day for this DIY Sun Science Activity from Lawrence Hall of Science.
The Oldest Bird, a Distant Galaxy, and the Beard Microbiome
Rachel Feltman of The Washington Post joins us for a roundup of her top science stories this week.
The Science Club Looks Into the Heart of the Sun
This season’s Science Club challenge: Tell us what the sun does.
Make a UV Detector
On a bright, sunny day, use tonic water to detect ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun in this DIY Sun Science Activity from Lawrence Hall of Science.