Century-Long Search Leads to Landmark Gravitational Wave Discovery
For the first time, scientists have directly detected gravitational waves—the last unproven part of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
For Planet-Seekers, a Cautionary Tale
The tale of the planet Vulcan’s “discovery”—and destruction at the hands of Einstein—may hold lessons for today’s planet-hunters.
Discovering Planet Vulcan
The story of how a country doctor thought he found a new planet in the solar system.
Confessions of a Meteorite Hunter
Meteorite hunter Nina Lanza reports back from six weeks scouring the Antarctic ice for space rocks.
Somewhere Out There, Planet Nine
Researchers calculate that there may be a large undiscovered ninth planet lurking in the distant reaches of our solar system.
Deep Space Design: The Search for Future Space Construction Materials
In the future, space habitations could be constructed out of concrete made of Martian sulfur and inflatable materials.
The Week-After Science Friday Quiz! 1/5/16
How much do you know about the early days of the personal computer?
So You Want to Be an Astronaut?
As NASA begins “astronaut candidate” selection, Administrator Charles Bolden explains what it means to have the “right stuff.”
Pluto Comes Into Focus
Photos from the New Horizons mission reveal icy plains, craters, and mountains on Pluto.