Reimagining A Martian Mission On A Hawaiian Volcano
In NASA’s BASALT project, a team of engineers simulate challenges astronauts may face during a mission on Mars.
Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Becomes A Top Candidate For Life
The moon’s plumes contain evidence of hydrothermal activity…which on Earth support thriving ecological communities.
Hoping For A Breakthrough In SETI
The Breakthrough Listen project is devoting millions of dollars to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Searching For E.T. In An Electronic Dead Zone
In a radio silent region, the Green Bank Telescope listens to the stars.
Climate Change Policy, Hormone Cycle on a Chip, and Titan’s Electric Dust
New executive orders from the Trump White House turn back elements of the Obama administration’s climate change policies.
Searching for Signs of Life in Asteroid Impacts
Geologist Peter Schultz uses a high-velocity gun to test his hypothesis that asteroid impacts could preserve signs of ancient life.
Falling Into New Ideas
A versatile young engineer takes us behind the scenes of what it’s like to turn sundry ideas into reality.
A Life Robotic
If humans someday colonize the moon and Mars, robotic prospectors and miners will be among the first to arrive, manufacturing fuel, water, and other essentials.
Reinventing The Wheel (For Mars)
Design and test different wheels on a basic rubber band-powered vehicle, with the goal of improving stability, traction, durability, and load-bearing ability.
To Survive on Mars, BYO Bacteria
Microbes could form the basis of a human life support system on the Red Planet.