Your Guide To The Summer Sky 2018
Time to dust off those binoculars! Dean Regas tells us what to look out for this summer.
A Trip To The Moon, Hurricane Antimatter, And A Wrong-Way Asteroid
A satellite launched this week would aid in planned Chinese lunar exploration.
The Mysteries Of Memory, A New Blue Dot, And A Robotic Fly
A surprising study suggesting that RNA could play a role in a snail’s memory leads this week’s news roundup.
Get To Know These Meteorites
Learn about stories of the early solar system with these handy meteorite trading cards.
A Case For Why Time May Just Not Exist
For the quantum theory of gravity to work, physicist Carlo Rovelli says our ideas about time have to change.
The Reef Is Quiet. Too Quiet.
Researchers monitoring the soundscape of a coral reef have found a dramatic drop in the sounds of wildlife under the sea.
Glimpses Of Galaxies Far, Far Away
Last week we asked you to help us spot galaxies magnified by other galaxies, known as gravitational lensing. This week we reveal what you found.
On Pluto’s Doorstep
How did the New Horizons team wake up the spacecraft before it flew by Pluto? With a Star Trek theme song, of course.
Chasing Pluto, As Long As It Takes
New Horizons brought us a stunning look at Pluto. But “the first mission to the last planet” took decades to get off the ground.
Help Us Weigh Galaxies!
Participate in a citizen science project and help astronomers identify gravitational lenses.