Reaching For The Limits of Tiny Transistors
Researchers have created a working transistor out of just one phosphorous atom.
Secret Life Of Ice
Photographer Edward Aites zoomed in on ice and found a beautiful and foreign landscape.
Powering Up…With A Microbial Fuel Cell
Researchers used river mud–and the bacteria that live in it–to power a fuel cell.
Approved Reactors Could Power Up Nuclear Industry
Federal agency approves a license to build two nuclear reactors designed to provide cooling in absence of electricity.
Concrete’s Role As A Building Block In History
A look at concrete — from its use in the Paleolithic Age to today’s greener alternatives.
Can Dogs Smell Cancer?
A new study says a dog did better than conventional tests in identifying patients with cancer.
Illuminating Luminescence
Compare and contrast different forms of luminescence by observing how chemiluminescence, phosphorescence, and fluorescence produce or emit light.
Happy Birthday, Buckyballs!
Twenty-five years ago this month, researchers first identified buckminsterfullerenes — chemical structures shaped like tiny carbon soccer balls.
The Cheese Chronicles
Author and cheese expert Liz Thorpe explains the science of cheesemaking.
What Put the Heat in Chili Peppers?
New research indicates that chili pepper plants may have developed their signature heat as a way to fight off fungal infections caused by insects.