Smelly Bats
A fun game for Halloween that demonstrates diffusion and the properties of stretchy polymers using rubber gloves and flavor extracts.
Did Dark Matter Doom the Dinosaurs?
Physicist Lisa Randall explores the theory that a disc of dark matter could have been responsible for the catastrophic collision that extinguished the dinosaurs.
Cosmic Connections: Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs
An excerpt from “Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs.”
The Hunt for Dark Matter
Deep in an abandoned gold mine in rural South Dakota, a team of physicists are hunting for astrophysical treasure.
Build A Cloud Chamber
Observe the radioactive particles all around you by building a cloud chamber using a clear container, dry ice, and a little rubbing alcohol.
The Hunt for Dark Matter
In this week’s Video Pick, scientists hunt for dark matter deep below the Earth’s surface.
Did Dark Matter Kill the Dinosaurs?
The invisible stuff that comprises a quarter of the universe could be more complex that previously thought.
2015 Nobel Prizes: Mysteries of the Cosmos and Our DNA
This year’s crop of Nobel Prizes were unveiled this week, and the awards go to parasite-zapping drugs, a DNA repair kit, and the mystery of missing neutrinos.
4850 Feet Below: The Hunt for Dark Matter
Deep in an abandoned gold mine in rural South Dakota, a team of physicists hunt for rare and elusive quarry: dark matter.