Century-Long Search Leads to Landmark Gravitational Wave Discovery
For the first time, scientists have directly detected gravitational waves—the last unproven part of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
These Outmoded Scientific Instruments Are Also Things of Beauty
Steve Erenberg collects early scientific and medical instruments that are also things of beauty.
High Pressure in the Deep Ocean
Pressure is a huge challenge for deep ocean explorers. Learn how pressure changes with depth and explore its effects on compressible solids in this series of experiments, demonstrations, and real-life data collected aboard the E/V Nautilus.
10 Questions for Alan Guth, Pioneer of the Inflationary Model of the Universe
The theoretical physicist discusses the expanding universe and the infinite possibilities it brings.
SciFri Live: Superhero Quiz
Physicist James Kakalios tests the superhero science smarts of teams from 3M and the CONvergence sci-fi convention.
Boughs Of Folly: Science Blunders In National Lampoon’s ‘Christmas Vacation’
What can we learn from the Griswolds’ many mishaps?
The ‘Rebellious Scientist’ Who Inspired Kurt Vonnegut
The story behind the Kurt Vonnegut story about an antiwar scientist named Professor Barnhouse.
Errant Satellites Provide Test Case for General Relativity
A team of physicists have repurposed two satellites launched into the wrong orbit as an experiment to test one aspect of Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
Somewhat Silly Science Earns Ig Nobel Prizes
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor scientific research that first makes you laugh, then makes you think.
Cider Science
Making a hard cider is about 50 percent chemistry, and 50 percent is art.