Use Your Senses To Make Sense Of Your Soil
You can see, feel, and even smell the difference between good and lousy soil.
A Physicist Explains The Shimmering Science Behind Auroras
Liz MacDonald tells SciFri what causes these beautiful polar “glitter bombs.”
But Really, Can You Stand In Front Of The Microwave?
We’ve been nuking our food for 50 years. Why are some people still worried about their safety?
Model Eclipses
Model solar and lunar eclipses by making your own physical, proportional representations of the Earth and Moon.
Bringing ‘Genius’ To Television
National Geographic airs a new series based on Albert Einstein’s biography.
The Problem-Solver: A Portrait Of Physicist Richard Garwin
Physicist Richard Garwin has played a prominent role in fields ranging from nuclear weapons, personal computing technology, and science policy.
Physics Is Untying Your Shoelaces
Researches investigated the forces created by walking that lead to untied shoelaces.
What-If Scenarios, Played Out Through Physics
What would happen if you stuck your hand in a particle accelerator or jumped off of the Space Station?
What Would Happen If You Slipped on a Banana Peel?
Cartoons aren’t kidding about the slipperiness of banana peels.
Why Are We Here? Physics Has Answers
Physicist Lawrence Krauss on the substance of the universe, the Higgs Boson, and how we know what we know.