The Real Roswell Cover-Up? Spying On Air
Author Sam Kean explains the secret Cold War project behind the infamous 1947 Roswell crash.
Particles Behaving Badly
Physicists have observed subatomic particles decaying in a way that doesn’t jibe with the predictions of the Standard Model, suggesting, if the results are correct, that there could be undiscovered particles at play.
Hackers Have Been Targeting Nuclear Power Plants
A U.S. government report warns that hackers have been targeting power facilities in the US and other countries.
The Secrets Of Drying Your Food
‘Cooking for Geeks’ author Jeff Potter explains the scientific secrets to making the perfect dehydrated food.
A Mathy Makeover For The Kilogram
Standardizing our mass measurements relies on an elaborate and exacting physics experiment.
Food Failures: Too Hot In The Kitchen? Try No-Heat Cooking
A hot summer day is no time to turn on the stove. Try these recipes and tricks for cooking with little to no heat.
The Science States Of America
Celebrate Independence Day with a hearty helping of science.
Why Theoretical Physics Says The US Is Ungovernable
No one, not even Donald Trump, could make such a complex system like the U.S. government work.
Make A Secret Marshmallow Message
Use the chemistry of the Maillard reaction to spell out an edible secret marshmallow message as you toast your treat!
The Many Uses Of ‘Useless’ Research
Reviving a case for foundational science that dates back to Einstein.