Shedding Light On The New Zealand Glow Worm
Biochemists Miriam Sharpe and Kurt Krause hope to discover the molecular basis for the New Zealand glow worm’s bioluminescence.
All Spun Up: A Look At Properties Of Rotation
Why do hardboiled eggs spin better than raw ones? How can you engineer faster race car wheels? The key is understanding rotational inertia.
Back-To-School Lessons From Science Friday’s Educator Collaborative
Seven innovative science teachers have turned Science Friday stories into lessons you can use in the classroom and at home.
What Would An A.I.-Influenced Society Look Like In 10,000 Years?
Physicist Max Tegmark contemplates how artificial intelligence could reshape work, justice, and society in the future.
A Theoretical Physicist Dives Into Black Holes
Priyamvada Natarajan tells why she fell for black holes, how they shape galaxies, and her favorite fictional depictions of them.
A Win For Einstein, Building A Bigger Salmon, And A Newly Named Dino
Astronomers sifting through years of stellar data have found that Einstein’s theories still hold up. Plus, other stories from this week in science.
A View Of The Solar Eclipse From The Edge of Space
NASA Eclipse Ballooning Project hopes to livestream the solar eclipse from weather balloons across the country.
Neutrinos Caught In The Act Of Collision
Physicists have taken the first measurement of a neutrino interacting with the nucleus of an atom.
Could Thor Punch The Hulk Without Knocking Himself Over?
Mythbusting the physics of this summer’s superhero blockbusters.
Make 3D Paint With Starch
Experiment with solubility as you create homemade 3D paint with starch.