Physicists Create Heaviest Antimatter Nucleus Yet
The heaviest antimatter nucleus to date was spotted in a particle accelerator. It could provide new insights into the nature of matter.
Make Ancient Ink With The Help Of Oak Tree Parasites
Bring history to life through biology and chemistry as you make iron oak gall ink like Leonardo da Vinci did.
If You Were A Scientist, Which Olympic Event Would You Study?
Are you obsessed with precision? Captivated by speed? Intrigued by social dynamics? Find out what sport satisfies your scientific brain.
One Bird’s Physics Trick For Flying At High Altitudes
At higher altitudes, the air is less dense, which makes it harder for birds in flight to generate lift. The turkey vulture has a solution.
New Evidence Questions Dark Energy’s ‘Constant’ Nature
Early data from the DESI collaboration suggests that dark energy, which powers the universe’s accelerating expansion, may evolve over time.
Investigate How Sunlight Affects Your Favorite Plastic Toys
Learn how UV light from the sun degrades plastic over time and discover ways to protect toys from discoloration and damage.
Visualizing A Black Hole’s Flares In 3D
Researchers are trying to develop a better picture of what’s happening in the regions closest to a black hole’s event horizon.
Why Is Solving The Plastic Problem So Hard?
Plastics are everywhere, in packaging, clothing, and even our bodies. Could they be made less integral to manufacturing and more recyclable?
A Cheer For The Physics Of Baseball
When you watch a baseball game, you’re also enjoying a spectacular display of science—from physics to biomechanics.
Breaking Down The Physics Behind ‘3 Body Problem’
The science advisor for the Netflix adaptation of the sci-fi novel delves into the physics behind the show.