Go On A Hunt For Metals!
A magnet and a penny will help you become a human metal detector.
Finding Solutions To Treat Valley Fever
To doctors, valley fever is a medical mystery. And now, the fungal disease is spreading northeast, thanks to climate change.
How Dogs Are Helping Scientists Build A Smell Detector For Cancer
Researchers are using dogs’ heightened sense of smell to build a device to sniff out the chemicals produced by cancer cells.
In A World Of Lab-Grown Diamonds, What Is Real And Fake?
Science historian Lydia Pyne on how “genuine fakes” live in a gray area between real and fake.
How The First Non-Natural Diamond Was Grown In A GE Lab
Since ancient times, people have tried to make their own diamonds. In upstate New York in 1954, it finally happened.
Using Chemistry To Get The Perfect Cup Of Coffee
How understanding water flow, particle size distribution, and water chemistry can help you brew the perfect cup of coffee.
The 2019 Science News That Made The Headlines
We discuss the biggest moments in science from the year, and recap a decade of discoveries as we head into 2020.
The Science News That Defined The Decade
As we head into 2020, we asked you to help us roundup the biggest science news over the past 10 years.
Combing Over What Makes Hair So Strong
Researchers studied human, javelina and bear hair to find out what makes hair so strong.
The Best Of Science Friday, 2019
Join us for a roundup of the favorite stories we produced this year, from the complicated sex lives of Venus flytraps to the origin of the five-second rule.