The Great Salt Lake Is An ‘Oasis’ For Migratory Birds
Ten million birds stop at Utah’s Great Salt Lake every year to feed, fatten up, and relax.
The Exotic Life Above The Forest Floor
For years, tree canopies were the last frontiers of the forest—until ecologist Nalini Nadkarni pioneered innovative ways to explore them, with hot air balloons and cranes.
Bringing Back An Endangered Crow
How researchers are working to save a nearly extinct Hawaiian crow, the ʻAlalā.
Endless Spiders And Snails Most Beautiful
A look at some of the unique biodiversity found in the Hawaiian islands, and efforts to preserve some species found nowhere else on Earth.
Water, Water, Everywhere
As Hurricane Florence nears land, one engineer notes the rising risk of a flooding double whammy as sea levels rise and the climate changes.
The Future Of Soil Under A Changing Climate
How can we protect soil health under changing climate conditions?
When Plants Sense Danger, They Cry Out With Calcium
After long suspecting a signaling system, scientists can now see how one leaf talks to another—in real time.
How To Be A Vibration Detective
By measuring the ground’s vibrations, you can learn a lot about what is happening both near and far away.
Pass It On: Sheep and Moose Teach Knowledge Of Migration Routes
When it comes to migration, it may come down to nurture over nature for some animals.
Survey Ecosystem Health On A Virtual Coral Reef
How can you help one of earth’s most endangered ecosystems?