Build A Groundwater Model
Make an affordable aquifer model then conduct a lab experiment to explore the effects of groundwater pollution.
The Deadly Proteins Stalking Deer
Prions that cause Chronic Wasting Disease are devastating deer populations. Clues to solutions may lie in soil science.
The Best Of Science Friday, 2018
From Usain Bolt and volcanoes to a kid scientist-to-be and caterpillars, the Science Friday staff share their favorite stories from 2018.
Discovering The Past Through Dino Poop
Inside these fossilized feces is a fortune of information about ancient ecosystems.
Three Years Later, Checking In On The Paris Accord
Countries are discussing carbon emissions in a new political (and changing) climate.
The Complex Calls Of City-Living Frogs
Living in the city means that male túngara frogs have more complex calls than their country cousins, but ‘more complex’ doesn’t necessarily mean better.
Why Are Raccoons So Good At Getting Into Your Garbage?
Does success in the urban jungle require dexterity or cleverness? Or both?
‘Dear Science Friday, Can You Study The Asp Caterpillar?’
Second grader Nina Del Bosque sent SciFri a letter with a question about stinging caterpillars. We introduce her to a biologist to answer her caterpillar curiosities.
So You Want To Grow Hemp
With Congress poised to legalize growing hemp, how does a ‘new’ plant become a thriving agricultural product? Plus, the science of CBD.
The Cold Case Of The Triassic Phytosaurs
Paleontologist Randy Irmis and his team are searching for phytosaur fossils to piece together the changes that happened during the End Triassic mass extinction.