Down The Drain: How Water Journeys Through City Sewers
Investigate how water travels through city sewers and impacts the environment. Then, experiment to address urban flooding and pollution.
The Best Summer Science Books Of 2024
Discover new science reads for this summer with two authors familiar with the best books on the shelf.
Will The Seine Be Clean Enough For Olympic Swimmers?
Paris has invested $1.5B in cleaning up the Seine for open-water swimming events, but recent tests indicate it’s not yet safe.
Climbing High To See A Rainforest’s Connection To Rain
Through his visit to the Amazon tall tower observatory in Brazil, author Ferris Jabr explains how microbes change the weather.
Crowdsourced Data Identifies 126 ‘Lost’ Bird Species
Researchers analyzed photos, videos, and audio from crowdsource platforms to identify bird species that have not been spotted in over a decade.
Why It Took Decades For This Octopus To Be Recognized
The larger Pacific striped octopus is unusually social. But it wasn’t recognized by scientists until 2015, despite one man’s efforts.
Squid With ‘Giant’ Eggs Could Be A New Species
A deep-sea squid in the family Gonatidae was filmed cradling large eggs for its body size, which suggests it’s an entirely new species.
He Found A Bizarre Octopus, But No One Believed Him
In 1990, diver Arcadio Rodaniche’s findings about a highly social octopus were dismissed. Decades later, his work was validated.
Elephants Seem To Use Names For Each Other
A new study used machine learning to analyze elephant vocalizations and identified “contact rumbles” that appear to function as names.
Kids Discover Extremely Rare T. Rex Fossil
On a hike in the Badlands, a family found a dinosaur bone sticking out of a rock. It joined the few teenage T. rex fossils ever discovered.