Algae, The Mighty Slime Of The Planet
Researchers are tapping into the power of algae for everything from agriculture, alternative fuels, to making cows burp less methane.
Into The Woods—For Birds!
Wherever you go this vacation season, there are bound to be birds. How beginner birders can find, identify, and appreciate them.
Book Club: ‘The Genius Of Birds’
Birds of a feather read together. Swoop into ‘The Genius of Birds’ by Jennifer Ackerman.
Mapping The Intelligent Mind Of Birds
In this excerpt of ‘The Genius of Birds,’ Jennifer Ackerman charts out how the connectivity maps of bird brains are not too different from our own.
Can Robots Influence ‘The Fate Of Food’?
In ‘The Fate of Food’ by Amanda Little, a robot gets its hands dirty in a lettuce field.
A No-Go For White House Climate Panel
Efforts to create a Presidential Committee on Climate Security—a controversial climate advisory panel—have stalled.
A Rollback Of The Clean Power Plan
The Trump administration replaced the greenhouse reducing Clean Power Plan with a proposal that has narrow regulations for power plants.
New Orleans Sues Energy Companies To Repair Its Wetlands
Climate change is causing parts of Louisiana to sink. Now the city of New Orleans wants energy companies to pay to fix it.
Closing Out The Cephalo-Party
Cephalopod genetics, the thrill of the giant squid, and a farewell to Cephalopod Week 2019.
Swimming Down The Runway: Finding A Model Species For Cephalopods
Want to learn more about cephalopods? Start by learning about bobtail squids.