How The Humpback Says Hello
In the documentary ‘Fathom,’ two scientists explore the complex communication of humpback whales.
What Can Hawaiian Shark-Toothed Weapons Tell Us About Sharks?
Examine Hawaiian shark-toothed weapons and learn about traditional Hawaiian beliefs that help build our ecological history of sharks.
A Tale Of Two Pandemics
People getting seriously ill from COVID-19 in the U.S. are overwhelmingly from unvaccinated populations.
Songbirds Suffer Mystery Illness From The East Coast To The Midwest
Songbirds from the mid-Atlantic to Indiana are suffering from an illness that causes swollen eyes, neurological symptoms, and death.
Hydropower Worries Grow As Colorado River Reservoirs Keep Dropping
The water levels behind the Colorado River’s biggest dams are fast-approaching record lows, affecting water supplies and, soon, energy bills.
Sniffing Out How To Save African Wild Dogs
Conservation biologist Gabi Fleury wants to understand the lives of endangered predators—in order to save their lives.
See A Spotted Lanternfly? Squash It!
The invasive and damaging pest has carved out a foothold on the East Coast—and experts worry it could spread.
Listening To Seashells, An Oracle Of Ocean Health
As climate change brings warming seas and acidifying waters, seashells have become a harbinger of environmental change.
How Shells Tell Secrets Of The Sea
Seashells have played many roles throughout history, from money to jewelry. But they also hold secrets of the ocean’s health.
The Alarming Impacts Of Extreme Heat
After record-breaking temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, how does human health, infrastructure, and air travel respond to extreme heat?