What Is Causing Maine’s Puffins To Physically Shrink?
Centuries of see-sawing growth and decline now has a new factor: climate change.
Big Trees, Big Benefits
The largest one percent of trees play an outsized role in forest ecosystems.
Wondrous Beauty Made From Dead Insects
Artist Jennifer Angus creates a celebration of cicadas and insects in her eye-catching collages and dioramas.
Three Plant-Based Chemicals That Can Change Your Brain
Author Michael Pollan examines opium, caffeine, and mescaline in his new book on the mind-altering powers of plants.
Tribal Concerns Grow As Water Levels Drop In The Colorado River Basin
Historically excluded from negotiations, Indigenous communities want to make sure they have a seat at the water-distributing table.
Here’s How Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Addresses Science
The bipartisan measure would pump billions of dollars into the fight against environmental pollution.
How Climate Change Is Giving Maine’s Wild Blueberries The Blues
Climate change is threatening Maine’s native blueberries. These researchers are looking to provide solutions—and help farmers in the process.
Could Psychedelics Help Treat Depression?
Psilocybin, the psychedelic component of magic mushrooms, may be effective for some patients for whom other antidepressants haven’t worked.
As Wildfire Intensity Rises, So Does The Human Toll Of Blazes
Wildfire season in the West is now year-long, thanks to climate change. Listen to residents and rescuers as they grapple with the new normal.
What Will We Reap Without Topsoil?
Soil erosion continues at record pace around the world. Soil scientist Jo Handelman explains the good news: The solutions are simple and well-understood.