What It Looks (And Smells) Like When Mushrooms Hunt Nematodes
Merlin Sheldrake introduces readers to how invisible fungal forces shape our world in unexpected and ecologically important ways.
Where The Fungi Grow: ‘Entangled Life’ Author Q&A
On July 18, join our event with the author of ‘Entangled Life’ for a contemplative afternoon on the mushrooms we should make room for.
Color Me Like A Cuttlefish: Explore Our Digital Cephalopod Coloring Book
We’re suckers for a good coloring book page. If you are too, try our all-ages cephalopod coloring challenge!
Join Our Ship-To-Shore Livestream And Talk To An Ocean Scientist
On June 27, talk to ocean scientists and ask your questions in a special ship-to-shore livestream from the ocean floor.
A Biotech Offensive Against Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes
Lee County, Florida is using biotechnology to eradicate mosquitoes. Plus, how CRISPR can engineer a reduction in disease-carrying mosquitoes.
A Scientist’s Catalog Of 100 Days Under The Sea
Former US Navy diving instructor Joe Dituri shatters records for time underwater in the name of science.
Unmasking Owls’ Mysteries
Jennifer Ackerman’s new book delves into these fascinating avian predators, including their supersonic hearing, quiet flight, and complex communication.
Exploring The Enigmatic World Of Owls
A new book by Jennifer Ackerman explores the accomplished predator’s contradictions.
Discoveries In The Deep Oceans
Join SciFri as we explore the mysteries of the deep ocean with celebrations, ship-to-shore science missions, and fun design challenges.
Looking For Life In The Deep Ocean: An Engineering Challenge
How would you look for life in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean? Get ready to investigate and invent as you search the seas.