From Stem Cells to Eggs (and Beyond)
Stem cells can be turned into heart, liver, and brain cells—but what about a whole new organism? A study in Science explains the transformation from stem cell to egg to mouse pup.
This Beetle Puts the ‘Extreme’ in Extremity
The horn of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle (Trypoxylus dichotomus) can grow to be two-thirds the length of the rest of its body. And size matters.
Fires and Invasive Grass Threaten American West
Cheatgrass, an invasive weed, chokes out native sagebrush—and sets the stage for massive blazes.
Ice Age Co-Stars: Horses, Camels, and Cheetahs
Move over mammoths—many lesser-known beasts roamed North America during the Ice Age too.
The Biology of Birds of Prey
We’ll check in with biologists studying American kestrels, prairie falcons, red-tailed hawks, and other raptors that nest in Idaho’s Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. Plus, bringing back the California condor.
Wild California Condors Made Here
By 1982, fewer than two dozen California condors lived in the wild. By 1985, only one wild breeding pair was known to exist.
Field Trip to a Fungi Foray
This convention is for mushrooms and the people who love them.
Fungi Fans ‘Felt’ the Love
At the Northeast Mycological Federation’s 36th Annual Foray, some 15 crafty people learned how to use wool roving to create a mushroom-themed felt pillow.