The Bird That Struts Its Stuff
Every year at this time, the greater sage-grouse performs a striking dance routine each morning at dawn.
Monitoring the Monarchs
Monarch expert Lincoln Brower discusses the decline in monarch butterfly populations.
Bees Emerging After a Hard Winter
Apiculturist Eric Mussen discusses the plight of the modern honeybee.
Searching for the Roots of ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’
Primatologist Frans de Waal explores the origins of morality in The Bonobo and the Atheist.
The Secret Life of the Sonoran Desert
We check in on the Gila monsters, saguaros, and microbial crusts living in the desert Southwest.
Scene in the Sonoran
Science Friday hits the desert trail to take in some springtime sights.
11 Things You Didn’t Know About Saguaro Cacti
Were you aware that saguaros are black market commodities? Here’re some other cool cactus facts.
Birds Evolve Shorter Wings to Escape Traffic Crush
Cliff swallows with shorter wings appear better suited to avoid becoming roadkill.
Project Seeks to Bring Extinct Species Back to Life
Michael Archer, leader of the “Lazarus Project,” describes early efforts to bring a frog species back from extinction.
Painting by Insects
For a unique artistic style, there’s nothing like an insect’s feet to get the job done.