The SciFri Book Club Takes a Hike
Bill Bryson’s “A Walk in the Woods” is this month’s book club read.
Teacher Feature: Ethnobotanist Tom Carlson
Science Friday pays tribute to a great science teacher. “Office hours are some of my favorite hours of the week,” says Tom Carlson, a medical doctor, ethnobotanist, and instructor of 1700 students annually at the University of California, Berkeley.
Mine-detecting Honeybees, Deciphering Teenage Sounds, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
‘Crazy Ants’ Spreading in the Southeastern U.S.
Tawny crazy ants, recent arrivals to the country, are able to drive out even the imported fire ant.
Insects May Be the Taste of the Next Generation, Report Says
Can entomophagy, the eating of insects, help improve the world’s food resources?
The Perils of Plankton
An artist magnifies an overlooked environmental problem in sculptures that are larger than life.
Three Insect Recipes to Help the Arthropods Go Down
Insects pack a protein punch. Get the most of your meal with these recipes.
Alien Invaders, Baby Seal Brains, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
17-Year Cicadas Primed to Emerge
After spending 17 years underground, millions of Brood II cicadas are expected to emerge this spring.
Great Salt Lake Is No ‘Dead Sea’
Parts of the giant lake are 10 times saltier than the ocean—but life has found a way to thrive.