The ‘Uncool’ Passion of Jonathan Franzen
The best-selling novelist has a soft spot for birds.
Capturing the Sounds of Biodiversity
Researchers created a monitoring system to automatically record and analyze soundscapes of an area.
T-Rex’s Rep, a Flying Bike, Living the High Life, and Mosquito Appetites
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Building Better Broccoli, a Nose Spray for Alzheimer’s?, Bedtime Blunders, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Operation Strawberry: One Artist’s Mission to Revive a Heritage Fruit
Through social networking and word of mouth, artist Leah Gauthier is helping preserve the Marshall strawberry, a fragile, juicy, heirloom plant. Just call her Jane Strawberryseed.
Vegetables Respond to a Daily Clock, Even After Harvest
Researchers have found that cabbages can maintain a circadian rhythm, even in the store.
Confessions of a Former Snake Wrangler
E.O. Wilson shares the secret ingredient to becoming a scientist.
Horseshoe Crab Bandits, Quick Whiskey, Milky Way Map, and More
A roundup of science stories or studies that blow our mind, tickle our funny bone, or generally strike our fancy.
Teacher Feature: Ethnobotanist Tom Carlson
A student tells his former professor how much a class meant to him.
Researchers Revive a Plant Frozen in Time
A plant called a bryophyte survived 400 years frozen beneath glacier ice.