Elephants Use Different ‘Words’ to Signal Danger
African elephants use different types of rumbles to signal danger from bees or humans.
Male Researchers May Increase Stress in Lab Mice
The gender of a researcher might influence the stress levels of laboratory mice.
Llareta, One of the Oldest Living Plants in the World
This hard-as-a-rock South American cushion plant can live thousands of years.
Serving Up the Origins of the Chicken and Chili Pepper
Scientists are combining genetics and linguistics to trace the origins of these staples of the modern-day menu.
Recording the Global Soundscape
Ecologist Bryan Pijanowski hopes to create a soundscape of every ecosystem on the planet.
Behold the Buckeye Dragon Mite
A newly discovered mite from Ohio is reminiscent of the caterpillar-like dragons of Chinese New Year fame.
E.O. Wilson: ‘A Window on Eternity’
E.O. Wilson discusses the recovery and biodiversity of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park.
An Unexplored Island in Mozambique
An excerpt from “A Window on Eternity” by E.O. Wilson.
Suckers for Sap
By vacuum-sucking sap directly from the cut tops of juvenile maple trees, the researchers may revolutionize the maple syrup industry.
Scientists Study Vole Romance Under the Influence
To learn how alcohol affects relationships, scientists mix prairie voles a drink.