Getting A Grasp On The Clever Cephalopod
The nautilus, the “living fossil” of cephalopods, can uncover the origins of the complex brain of modern cephalopods.
Behaviors of the Venomous, Blue-Lined Octopus
This venomous octopus packs a punch, but it’s more likely to hide than launch a poisonous attack.
How Does an Octopus Change Its Body to Blend In With Its Environment?
Watch footage of a live octopus to model different ways that these animals can camouflage themselves by changing their body’s texture, shape, size, and color.
Untangling the Web of Spider Science
Arachnologist Greta Binford traces the evolution of spiders by examining their venom.
Milking A Spider
Ever wondered how to milk a spider? In this video, Greta Binford, a researcher at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, extracts venom from a sleeping spider’s fangs.
The Vampire Squid From Hell
Although its Latin name translates as “the vampire squid from hell,” the vampire squid is actually a gentle steward of the ocean’s depths, gracefully foraging on marine detritus.
Caring for Cuttlefish
Using recycled soda bottles, modified cradles, and knowledge of each species’ husbandry, the Monterey Bay Aquarium staff have nurtured to adulthood 95 percent of the cuttlefish eggs spawned.
Teaching Ancient Nautilus New Tricks
A series of experiments involving fish juice, blue lights, and mazes dispels the notion that the ancient Nautilus is incapable of basic learning and memory.
#CephalopodWeek: Celebrating All Things Tentacled
They’re the amazing cephalopods, and Science Friday, public radio’s source for news and entertaining stories about science, celebrates them with Cephalopod Week.
Chinook Salmon Could Make Splashy Return
Some scientists predict that record numbers of fall Chinook will return to the Columbia River Basin this year.