The Caterpillar With the Candy-Cane Stripe
This silk moth symbolizes National Moth Week, which has gone global.
Scientists Call Whales the ‘Engineers’ of the Ocean Ecosystem
Whales stabilize the ocean ecosystem through a mechanism scientists call the “whale pump,” or fecal plumes.
App Chat: Plugging In to the Outdoors
Reporter Bob Parks guides us through his favorite outdoor and camping apps.
Sea, Temperature, CO2 Levels All Rise in 2013
NOAA releases its State of the Climate Report for 2013.
The Two-Toned Beauty of Harlequin Bug Eggs
These tiny black-and-white cylinders each host a life-sucking insect.
Concerns Rise Over Pesticide Use, Birds, and Bees
Neonicotinoid pesticides have been banned in the E.U. but are still approved for use in the U.S. while the EPA reviews them.
Talk Like a Firefly
Learn to speak the language of fireflies and invent your own secret flash code.
The Ghostly Domed Land Snail
This tiny snail lives in one of the world’s deepest cave systems.
Celebrating Nature’s Summer Light Show, Fireflies
The flashing of lightning bugs is a favorite part of a lazy summer evening, but there’s a lot of hidden nighttime drama.
In a Flash: Firefly Communication
Fireflies communicate with a “language of light” that scientists still don’t completely understand.