‘Hot’ For Turkey
Female wild turkeys parse the courtship performances of males to determine their genetic potential.
Horns, Claws, and Teeth: The Animal Weapons Arms Race
Doug Emlen, author of “Animal Weapons,” unpacks the evolutionary arms race that pushes horns, claws, teeth and other animal defenses to the extreme.
Here Kitty, Kitty: The Genetics of Tame Animals
Researchers discuss the possible genetic underpinnings that make certain cats and rats tame.
From Antlers to Tusks: Our Obsession With Extreme Animal Weapons
An excerpt from “Animal Weapons.”
Apple Science, From American Beauty to Zestar
Between new crosses and old heritage varieties, there’s a world of apples beyond the Red Delicious.
Piecing Together the Puzzle of Insect Evolution
One hundred researchers studied 144 insect species to fill in the blanks of insects’ evolutionary history.
Creature Double Feature
Witness two tales that will make your skin crawl and your mind reel with fear and curiosity.
Creature Double Feature: Zombies and Bloodsuckers
Witness two tales that will make your skin crawl and your mind reel with fear and curiosity.
Invasion of the Zombees: A Bee Horror Film
Up and down the West coast of the U.S., bees are leaving their hives, flying around at night and then suddenly dropping dead – Learn why!
#ObserveEverything Reflection
Experience the Science Club’s #ObserveEverything project.